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What is positive feedback in control system

by (62.8k points)

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Answer: Positive feedback in a control system refers to feedback information sent by the controlled part, which is consistent with the control information in direction, and can promote or strengthen the activities of the control part. In control theory, positive feedback is an important form of feedback, which is characterized by the fact that the polarity of the feedback signal is the same as the polarity of the system input signal, thereby enhancing the net input signal of the system.

Answer analysis:

Basic characteristics of positive feedback

Directional consistency: The feedback signal and the control signal have the same direction, both pointing to the enhancement of the system output.

Amplification effect: Positive feedback will enhance the output signal of the system and make the system react more violently to the input signal.

May cause system instability: Due to the amplification effect of positive feedback, if improperly controlled, the system may deviate from the stable state, and even cause the system to oscillate or lose control.

Application fields of positive feedback

Positive feedback has important applications in many fields, including but not limited to the following aspects:

1. Amplifier: In electronic circuits, positive feedback can be used to build amplifiers to enhance the amplitude of signals. Positive feedback amplifiers can amplify the input signal many times and output high-amplitude signals, which have important applications in audio amplifiers, radio frequency amplifiers and other fields.

2. Oscillator: Positive feedback can also be used to build oscillators. An oscillator is a circuit that can generate a periodic oscillation signal. Positive feedback enables the oscillator to continuously generate an output signal and maintain stable oscillation. Oscillators are widely used in wireless communications, clock circuits and other fields.

3. Sensors: In sensors, positive feedback can be used to amplify and enhance input signals. Sensors convert physical quantities in the environment into electrical signals and use positive feedback to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of the signal. This is widely used in temperature sensors, pressure sensors, light sensors and other fields.

4. Control systems: In automatic control systems, positive feedback can enhance the stability and flexibility of the system by comparing the system output signal with the desired reference signal and sending the comparison result back to the system for adjustment. However, it should be noted that the application of positive feedback in control systems needs to be cautious to avoid system instability.

Advantages and disadvantages of positive feedback


Signal enhancement: Positive feedback can significantly enhance the output signal of the system and improve the responsiveness of the system.

Fast response: The positive feedback mechanism enables the system to sense and respond to external changes more quickly.


System stability issues: The amplification effect of positive feedback may cause the system to deviate from the stable state, or even cause oscillation or loss of control.

Increased control difficulty: Due to the complexity of positive feedback, the design and debugging of the control system may be more difficult.

In summary, positive feedback is an important form of feedback in the control system, and its application needs to comprehensively consider factors such as system stability, control accuracy and response speed. In practical applications, appropriate feedback methods and control strategies should be selected according to specific needs and system characteristics.

by (34.6k points)
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