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Manual programming does not require an operator skilled in the use of computers.

by (62.8k points)

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Answer: Incorrect.

Answer analysis: The statement that "manual programming does not require the operator to be proficient in using computers" is not entirely accurate. It depends on the specific programming environment and application scenario.

First of all, we need to make it clear that "manual programming" usually refers to guiding the robot to complete tasks by directly operating the robot's control panel, using a teach pendant, or writing simple program codes (such as using a robot-specific programming language). This programming method may be more intuitive and easier to use than automatic programming that relies entirely on high-level computer programming languages ​​and complex software environments.

However, even for manual programming, operators usually need to have certain basic computer knowledge, such as understanding basic file operations, being able to navigate using the menus and buttons on the teach pendant, and understanding simple programming logic. Especially in modern industrial environments, many robot systems are equipped with advanced user interfaces and programming software, which usually run on computers and provide graphical programming environments and simulation functions to help operators plan the robot's motion paths and tasks more efficiently.

In addition, with the continuous development of robot technology, more and more robot systems begin to support remote programming and monitoring, which means that operators may need to interact with robots through computer networks. In this case, proficiency in computer and network technology is particularly important.

Therefore, although manual programming may not require as deep computer programming skills as automatic programming, operators still need to have certain basic computer knowledge and be able to use the software and tools related to the robot system proficiently. In this way, they can more effectively plan, program and monitor the work of the robot to ensure the smooth progress of production tasks.

by (45.1k points)
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