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Programming languages that closely resemble standard english are ____ languages.

by (62.8k points)

2 Answers

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Answer: Python.

Answer analysis: The programming language that is very similar to standard English is Python. Python's syntax design focuses on the characteristics of natural language, making its reading and writing methods very similar to standard English.

Python's syntax is concise and clear, easy to understand and learn, and very friendly to beginners. This language feature makes Python one of the preferred programming languages ​​for many educational institutions and beginners.

Python's syntax design features include:

* Simplified syntax: Python uses a simplified syntax structure, emphasizes the understanding and application of natural language, and reduces the complexity and learning difficulty of programming languages.

* High readability: Python's code style emphasizes readability, uses indentation to indicate code blocks, avoids the use of braces or keywords commonly seen in other languages, and makes the code clearer and easier to read.

* Rich libraries and frameworks: Python has a rich standard library and third-party libraries. These libraries and frameworks provide a large number of tools and modules to support the development of various programming tasks and applications, greatly expanding Python's application areas.

In addition, Python is also an advanced, general-purpose, interpreted programming language that is widely used in data science, network development, automated scripting and many other fields. Its strong community support and wide application scenarios also make Python occupy an important position in the field of programming languages.

In summary, the programming language that is very similar to standard English is Python.

by (45.1k points)
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+2 votes

A programming language very similar to standard English is Natural Language.

Natural language is a way of mimicking human natural language, enabling robots to understand and execute language of human instructions.

Natural language processing is an artificial intelligence technology that uses computer programs to parse and generate natural language.

by (128k points)

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