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Which of the following letters represents the analog output?





by (62.8k points)

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Answer: D. AnalogOutput

Question answer analysis:

A. DigitalInput refers to the input port that uses digital signals as input signals for input quantities, such as switch status, counter status, etc. In the digital input process, there are only two possible values of the input signal, either high or low, which are usually processed by digital logic circuitry. Unlike analog inputs, digital inputs require analog-to-digital conversion and transmit digital signals to the input port. Digital inputs are often used to connect and interact with digital circuits or digital signal processing devices.

B. GroupOutput (grouped output) refers to the combination of multiple output signals according to certain rules to form a grouped output. The purpose of marshalling outputs is to facilitate centralized control and regulation of multiple output signals. In the grouped outputs, each output signal can be individually adjusted or controlled as needed to meet different application needs. The implementation of the marshalling output can be selected and designed according to the specific application scenario and device.

C. AnalogInput refers to the input port that uses analog signals as input signals for input analog quantities, such as voltage, current, temperature, etc. In the analog input process, the value of the input signal can be continuously changed within a certain range, usually using voltage or current as a representation of the analog signal. Unlike digital inputs, analog inputs do not require analog-to-digital conversion and can input analog signals directly, but require the use of analog input ports for reception and processing.

D. AnalogOutput (analog output) refers to the output port that uses analog signals as output signals for output analog quantities, such as voltage, current, frequency, etc. In the analog output process, the value of the output signal can be continuously changed within a certain range, usually using voltage or current as a representation of the analog signal. Unlike digital outputs, analog outputs do not require digital-to-analog conversion and can output analog signals directly, but they need to be received and processed using analog output ports. Analog output is widely used in control systems, instrumentation, audio processing and other fields.

So choose D, AnalogOutput

by (128k points)
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