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What type of program data is stored by VAR, PERS, and CONST?

A. Variables, constants, variables

B. Variables, variables, variables, constants

C. Variable, constant, variable

D. Variables, variables, constants

by (62.8k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

Answer: B, variables, variable variables, constants

In the program, VAR, PERS, and CONST represent different storage types:

1. VAR (variable): VAR represents a variable, also known as variable data. A variable is a data type whose value can be modified during program execution. Variables are typically used to store information such as temporary data, input and output data, and program run status.

2. PERS (Variable Variable) :P ERS stands for persistent data, also known as fixed data or constant. Persistent data is a data type whose value does not change during program execution. Persistent data is often used to store fixed configuration parameters, constants, fixed data required for program operation, and so on.

3, CONST (constant): CONST stands for constant, which is a special type of persistent data. A constant is a data type whose value is never changed during program execution. Constants are often used to define fixed mathematical formulas, algorithms, specific numeric values, and so on.

These storage types have different uses and characteristics in the program, and developers can choose the appropriate data type to store the program data according to their needs.

by (116k points)
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ABB robot const, pers, var difference

VAR: Variable, which can be assigned a value during program operation, but will change to the initial value after the program is reset.

PERS: Variable, while the program is running, can be assigned, and the last assignment result is permanently maintained.

CONST: Constant, which cannot be assigned while the program is running, and is stored as a fixed value

by (128k points)
0 votes

The on-site programming of industrial robots is a simple trajectory teaching programming example and a typical application of industrial robots, with ABB industrial robots as the research object, focusing on the skill guidance of practical operation.

The drive system is the mechanism that drives the robotic arm of the industrial robot.

According to the command signal issued by the control system, the robot is run with the help of power elements, and the transmission device is installed for each joint, that is, each degree of freedom of movement, which is the drive system.

Industrial robots often appear in the manufacturing industry, and their common role is to handle parts and assist the loading and unloading of machine tools.

Industrial robots are automated equipment that can operate uninterruptedly for a long time, effectively improving common production efficiency and ensuring product quality.

by (128k points)

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