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What is the difference between imported servo motor and domestic servo motor in China?

by (62.8k points)

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Today I will share with you the difference between imported motors and domestic motors

The difference between domestic servo and imported servo. In the past, the domestic workmanship was relatively rough, if the accuracy requirements were relatively high, imported ones could be used, and imported drives were still better! High positioning and repeat positioning accuracy.

In terms of price advantages, domestic ones know that this still has to be specific to what kind of work requirements, we generally use domestic ones!

The difference between domestic servo and imported servo

Domestic servo motor production is not less, dedicated servo mostly.

The difference between domestic servo motor and imported servo motor is in performance and service life, how much is the failure rate, most of the encoders of domestic motors are imported, the number of lines is less, as long as the equipment does not require too precise positioning, it is also easy to use.

In general, the servo system is composed of servo motor, servo drive, encoder, and each part has a certain gap with the imported servo motor, including the function, performance, reliability and other aspects of the product.

However, this gap is not certain, and not every application has very high servo requirements.

In some occasions where the requirements are not very high, it is completely possible to use domestic servos instead. 

Compared with imported servos, domestic servos have certain advantages such as cost performance and fast after-sales service response.

by (116k points)
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