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Which of the following auxiliary code is commonly used to end as the main program?





by (34.6k points)

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Auxiliary function code analysis:

What is the instruction code for accessibility?
The code commonly used as the main program end in the following auxiliary function code is M02.

M02 is a commonly used auxiliary function code in CNC machine tools, indicating the end of the program. When the program is executed to M02, the machine stops all actions, including feed, cutting, spindle stop, etc., and then the program ends.

Other commonly used accessibility codes are:

M00: Program paused. When the program is executed to M00, the program will be suspended, all machine movements will be stopped, and the operator will wait for confirmation before continuing the program.
M01: Optional stop. When the program is executed to M01, if the "Selective Stop" key (usually the "SELECT" key) on the operator panel is pressed, the program will stop execution and all machine movements will stop. If the "Selective Stop" key is not pressed, the program continues.
M03: Spindle forward rotation. When the program executes to M03, the spindle starts to rotate forward and starts rotating.
M04: Spindle reversed. When the program executes to M04, the spindle begins to reverse and initiates rotation.
M05: Spindle stop. When the program executes to M05, the spindle stops rotating.
M06: Automatic tool change. When the program is executed to M06, the machine automatically exchanges the tool and replaces the current tool.
The above auxiliary function codes are commonly used in CNC machine tools, and you can choose the appropriate code to achieve the corresponding function according to your needs.

According to the meaning of this question, we can know that the answer to this question is D, M05.

by (128k points)
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