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There is an artifact labeled φ10cd7, where cd7 represents ( ). 

A. Shaft tolerance code

B. Hole tolerance code

C. Matching tolerance code

There is an artifact labeled φ10CD7, where CD7 means?

by (34.6k points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

There is a workpiece labeled φ10CD7, where CD7 represents the hole tolerance code; So this answer option is B, hole tolerance code.

The detailed analysis is as follows:

Based on the information you provided, I learned that φ10CD7 indicates that the workpiece has a diameter of 10 mm and a tolerance grade of CD7.

Tolerances are allowable dimensional deviations that limit the difference between the actual dimensions and the design dimensions during machining or assembly. In this example, CD7 represents a tolerance class of CD7 with a standard tolerance of 0.005 mm, where φ10 represents a base size of 10 mm. Therefore, the diameter of this workpiece can vary between 9.995 mm and 10 mm.

It is important to note that different processing methods and materials may cause differences in tolerance classes and standard tolerances, so the specific tolerance ranges may vary slightly.

by (128k points)
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