Arduino UNO is one of the most basic and commonly used development boards in the Arduino series of development boards.
It is an open source microcontroller development board that can easily read a large number of switch and sensor signals and control a wide variety of lights, motors, and other physical devices.
UNO means "one" in English, indicating that this is the entry-level product of the Arduino development board.
There are many development boards for Arduino UNO, which can be connected to a computer through the USB interface as a download interface for programs.
Arduino Uno uses an ATmega328P microcontroller.
The functions of the Arduino UNO module are:
1. Microcontroller: Arduino UNO uses ATmega328P microcontroller, which is the core of the entire system. It is responsible for running the written code and interacting with the outside world through the input/output interface.
The ATmega328P has 14 digital input/output pins and 6 analog input pins, which can control various devices such as LED lights, servos, motors, etc.
2. Power supply: Arduino UNO can be powered by USB interface or DC power supply. It also includes a voltage regulator that regulates the input voltage to 5V for use by the ATmega328P and other circuit elements.