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A combination of components that work together to form a unit is a(n) ____.

by (62.8k points)

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Answer: "module", "package", "functional unit" or "subsystem".

Answer analysis: The combination of components that work together to form a unit has different expressions and applications in multiple fields, but in general, it can be understood as an assembled or integrated structure in which multiple components work together to achieve an overall function or goal.

In the field of software and computers, this combination of components is often called a "module" or "package". A module or package is a collection of interrelated classes, interfaces, functions and other codes that work together to provide specific functions or services. These components interact through well-defined interfaces, allowing the various parts of the system to work together to form a complete unit.

In electronic or mechanical devices, similar concepts may be called "functional units" or "subsystems". This is a group of elements that are connected to each other. Parts or components assembled together, they work together to achieve a specific function or operation. These components or components may be circuit boards, sensors, motors, etc., which are connected to each other by electrical connections, mechanical connections or other means to form a complete system unit.

In addition, in product design or manufacturing, there may be situations where multiple parts or components are combined to form a larger unit. These parts or components may be designed to achieve a specific function, such as a robot's arm, joints and end effector together form a functional unit that can perform grasping and placing tasks.

In summary, the combination of components that work together to form a unit can be called a "module", "package", "functional unit" or "subsystem", depending on the field and context. These components work together to achieve an overall function or goal.

by (45.1k points)
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