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+2 votes

The smallest incremental movement a robot can make is called ____.

by (116k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

The minimum incremental movement that robots can make, usually called minimum incremental motion, or sometimes called actual resolution or typical resolution.

This must describe the minimum exercise increment that equipment (robot) can be consistent and reliable.

Explanation and background

Definition: Minimum incremental exercise is a minimum, minimum, repeated and reliable sports unit that robots can achieve in its movement control system. 

This reflects the precision and sensitivity of the robot when performing fine tasks.

Impact: The MIM of the system is affected by a variety of mechanical and electrical components, including screws or other drivers, guide systems, motors, controllers, and encoders.

Due to the complexity of factors such as friction, the precise modeling of these components is often challenging, so the MIM of the system rely more on experiments and experience data, not pure theoretical calculations.

Application: In the robot control system, understanding and optimizing the minimum incremental exercise is essential for improving the operating accuracy of the robot, reducing errors and completing fine tasks.

Application of incremental exercise in robots

The problem of incremental exercise is a basic problem in the planning of robot movement, which is widely used in various robot control systems. When planning the motor trajectory of the robot, the entire trajectory is usually broken into a series of incremental motion control instructions. After each execution of these instructions, the position of the robot changes accordingly, thereby gradually approaching the target position.

In conclusion

In summary, the minimum incremental movement that the robot can make is called the minimum incremental movement (MIM), which reflects the accuracy and sensitivity of the robot in terms of motion control. 

Understanding and optimizing this parameter is of great significance to improving the overall performance of the robot.

by (45.1k points)
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+2 votes

The smallest incremental motion that a robot can make is called a step size. Therefore, the answer is: step size.

by (128k points)

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