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_________ defines the instructions that the robot must follow.

by (62.8k points)

Who deploys jobs to the software robots? What is the software robot called? What is the master repository of jobs? Is robot controller hosted on desktop?

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The instructions that a robot must follow are usually defined by the following aspects:

Programming code for the robot: The programming code for the robot can define the instructions that the robot must follow. The programming code contains instructions for the robot's behavior, actions, perception, etc., as well as instructions for how to handle and respond to different situations. For example, in the robot programming code, you can define the robot's movement, obstacle avoidance, recognition, voice interaction and other instructions, so that the robot can act according to the preset rules and tasks.

Hardware configuration and design of the robot: The hardware configuration and design of the robot can define the instructions that the robot must follow. 

Different types of robots have different hardware structures and designs, for example, industrial robots and mobile robots have different hardware structures and control methods. The hardware configuration and design of the robot can determine how the robot's instructions such as range of motion, accuracy, and speed are implemented, as well as instructions on how to interact and communicate with external devices.

Tasks and goals of the robot: The tasks and goals of the robot can also define the instructions that the robot must follow. The robot's tasks and goals can be preset or adjusted to environmental changes or user needs. 

For example, when a robot performs a task, it needs to follow some instructions, such as moving to a certain position, grabbing an object, recognizing an object, etc.

Rules and restrictions for the bot: The rules and restrictions of the robot can also define the instructions that the robot must follow. For example, in some cases, the robot needs to follow rules such as avoiding collisions, not going beyond restricted areas, etc.

In summary, the instructions that a robot must follow are usually defined by a combination of factors, including programming code, hardware configuration and design, tasks and goals, rules and constraints, etc. 

Together, these factors determine the instructions that the robot needs to follow to perform its tasks.

by (128k points)
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