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CNC machine tool control technology and system knowledge common judgment questions:

1. MDI in CNC machine tools is the English abbreviation of machine tool diagnosis intelligence. 

2. In CNC machine tools, CCW represents clockwise rotation, and CW represents counterclockwise rotation.

3. Linear detection devices include induction synchronizers, gratings, and resolvers.

4. Commonly used indirect measuring elements are photoelectric encoders and induction synchronizers.

5. Linear detection elements include induction synchronizer, grating, magnetic grid, laser interferometer

by (62.8k points)

1 Answer

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The correct answer to the judgment question is as follows:

1. (×) MDI in CNC machine tools is the English abbreviation of machine tool diagnosis intelligence. 

2. (×) In CNC machine tools, CCW represents clockwise rotation, and CW represents counterclockwise rotation.

3. (×) Linear detection devices include induction synchronizers, gratings, and resolvers.

4. (×) Commonly used indirect measuring elements are photoelectric encoders and induction synchronizers.

5. (√) Linear detection elements include induction synchronizer, grating, magnetic grid, laser interferometer

by (116k points)
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