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Which of the following options is correct for closed-loop control CNC machines?

(A) is a CNC machine tool connected by gear reduction between the servo motor and the transmission screw

(B) A DC servo motor is adopted and an angular displacement measurement device is installed on the rotating axis

(C) A stepper motor is adopted and there is a feedback device to detect the position 

(D) AC or DC motor with feedback device to detect the displacement of the end actuator of the machine tool.

by (62.8k points)

1 Answer

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Answer: (D) AC or DC motor with feedback device to detect the displacement of the end actuator of the machine tool.

Question Answer Reason Analysis:

Closed-loop control CNC machine tool refers to the installation of linear displacement detection device on the moving parts of the machine tool, directly detecting the actual displacement of the worktable, feeding the measured actual displacement value back to the CNC device, comparing it with the input command displacement value, controlling the machine tool with the difference, so that the moving parts move according to the actual required displacement, and finally realize the precise movement and positioning of the moving parts.

The advantages of closed-loop control CNC machine tools are high control accuracy and fast speed, but debugging and maintenance are more complicated, and the key is the stability of the system, so sufficient attention must be paid to stability when designing.

by (116k points)
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