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How to connect Keil with Proteus? What is the solution to connect Keil and Proteus? Steps to connect Keil and Proteus.

by (34.6k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

How to connect Keil with Proteus?

The following are the steps to link Keil and Proteus to many years of research by senior experts in this field:

1. Download the VDM51 .dll file and copy it to the MODELS folder in the Proteus installation directory.

Open Keil's TOOLS .INI file in Notepad and add a new line under TDRV8=BINUL2LPC9.DLL ("NXP LPC95x ULINK Driver"): TDRV9=BINVDM51.DLL ("Proteus VSM Monitor-51 Driver").

3.Open Proteus' project in Keil and select "use remote debug monitor" in the DEBUG option.

4. Open the schematic in Proteus and set up remote debugging monitoring.

by (116k points)
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+1 vote

What is Keil? What is Proteus?

Keil and Proteus are both commonly used software tools in embedded system development, with the following specific functions:

1, Keil: is an integrated development environment (IDE), mainly used to develop embedded systems based on ARM processors. Keil includes a range of software tools such as compilers, debuggers, emulators, and more for writing, compiling, and debugging code for embedded systems.

2. Proteus: is a virtual circuit simulation software, which can simulate the operation of the circuit, including simulating the working state of various electronic components, signal waveform, voltage, current, etc.

by (128k points)

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